Thursday, July 8, 2010

new post

apa yang saya nak tulis actually? well......
there's no specific entry for this post..that's why I made this post's title as "new post" it's all because I'am soooo bored rite now and I dunno what to do...grrr....

okay..first, I'm going to say I'm going to face the fact that my result for the last semester isn't good enough or in other word...terok ! duh....efa..efa...every time nak start balik new semester mesti kamu rasa macam ini..rasa apa??? rasa malas and x mau tengok result kamu, x mau register, x mau balik kolej balik, x mau assignments..xmau exams !!!! T.T well....I need someone...supporrrtttttt..supporrtttt! that all I needdddd...

help2! my herooo...werewolf....vampire...or..superman...or scofield....who's willing to help me..hero!! :)) (haha..actually semua2 hero tu is him, kaka...eeew efa! ;) )

(errk..superman je ke yang ade?? T_T)

ok fineeee...efa...enoughh with all the drama..hihi...relax laa..last sem kot..lastttt kau pergi kolej..lasttt kau nak register...lastttt kau nak kene amek results kau yang ampesss tuh..lasttt kau nak pergi kelas...lasttt kau nak buat assignments...lastttt kau kene amek exams...kann..kannn..? chilll! :DDDD

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

okay, second..... pasal......scofield...or...robert pattinson..or..jacob..or...ryan reynolds..or..kaka..hehe..kiddin!

fineee...Im going to start...last night, we were err..ehem...okay..kami berdua chat2 pasal this movie..titanic..he was watching it while chatting with me :) borak2..sorang berangan budget nak jadi jack sorang berangan budget nak jadi rose..(haha..silly~)..then..when it comes to the last part of the movie, jack died..dia cakap dia sedih..sad ending..and then, when rose dah jadi tua..(ade ke patut dia kata dia gelak tengok rose jd tua..adess..spoil mood sedih haku~~) rose campak kalung pemberian jack kat laut..then.....

he says, "suka2 je campak kalung tu..kalau jack hidup lagi mesti dia marah."
lepas tu..saya pon reply balik "tu la..baek kasi kat saya... :) "

then he was like," eee..macam la jack nak kat dia :P "...and I was like, "oke,,yela..saya taw, takde sapa nak kasi saya kalung... :( "

then, he replied, "jack tak kasi, tapi ada orang lain kasi ;), bukan kalung...sedara2 kalung je.. ;)"

saya pon reply, "oo... sedara dekat ke sedara jauh?? oh..oke2..merepek~~ hehe....betol ke ni awak? :) "

he says," sedara jauh laa.. :) ye la..kan saya dah cakap dulu..I owe you something... :) "

~~nooo..u owe me nothing lah.......huhu~~


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